Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What do you want for Christmas?

I am having an unusually hard time figuring out gifts for people so you're just gonna have to tell me. Yes, you.

If you're curious about what I want well here's some ideas:

Monday, November 22, 2010

I just died

The New Kids On The Block and Backstreet Boys are joining forces for an EPIC concert tour next year.


Unfortunately they have already gone on sale and the only reasonably priced tickets are all the way in the back. And if it was anywhere else but Staples I would be okay with this. However, I've learned from experience (aka the JoBros night 2) that these are not good seats. Anyway, I'll probably have to craigslist/ebay this later on, but that's cool cause hopefully I'll have more $$$ by then too.

Monday, November 15, 2010


While searching through my old posts I came across my Bucket List and discovered that I can cross of number 4!!

I'm gonna mentally combine my two Vegas trips in June to create my "high roller" experience. I think staying in an awesome room, riding in a limo, getting free entry into clubs AND having table service is as high roller as I'll ever get, so its getting crossed off.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Computer is working again. Woot. Just needed to fork over the $86 I do not have for a new charger. Oh well, I'm making most of it back Sunday face painting. Just wish I could get ahead once in awhile.

Friday, August 20, 2010

It was a run-by fruiting...

I went to Big Lots today to grab some cleaning supplies (which I was too lazy to actually use today) and as I approached the only open register I groaned internally when I saw the amount of stuff the old couple in front of me was buying. I hefted my 24 pack of water bottles and kind of spaced out as I waited for the old lady to finish putting all her stuff on the counter. Next thing I know Mrs. Doubtfire is telling me she's made room for my stuff on the counter. I kid you not, this woman sounded EXACTLY like Mrs. Doubtfire. It was the freakiest thing EVER! It was also extremely awesome. Not only was her voice the same but her mannerisms and she was super chatty and hilarious. I wish I could've video taped my interaction with her so everyone could experience the awesomeness. Pretty much those 2-3 minutes made my entire day. She totally called me dearie :)

Also we had Jersey Shore night at Preston's tonight and I think the vision of Preston in boardshorts, a wifebeater and his hair gelled will be one of those memories I tuck away to cheer me up on a sad day. Good times. Best line of the episode: "Guys don't understand girls and that's why the rate of lesbian couples is going up in the country", said in all seriousness by Snooki.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Riding in cars sans boys

So, for some reason guys like to hit on me while I'm driving. This is neither safe* nor particularly sexy. Also, because they have about 10 seconds to make an impression, they always seem to try to grab my attention in interesting ways. And by interesting, I mean weird.

One time this car pulled up on my left and the driver rolled down his window and yelled that his friend sitting in the back seat thought I was cute and asked if I had a boyfriend. What I don't understand is, why didn't the fool in the back seat roll down his damn window? Doesn't make sense. To make this story particularly enjoyable, I was actually listening to "No Scrubs" during this chance encounter and there is a line that talks about "hanging out your best friend's ride try to the holla at me".

Another time I had this guy so desperate to give my his phone number while we were ON THE FREEWAY* that he drove as close as possible next to me (which freaked me out) in order to throw this tiny piece of paper into my window. When that failed he actually followed me off the freeway until my increased speed made it fairly clear I was uninterested since my uninterested face hadn't done the job previously.

A couple of weeks ago I was driving up Reseda and some guy driving next to me asked if I knew where Balboa was. I told him it was parallel to this street to our right. After I replied he said "Clearly I don't know my way around, you should give me your number so you can show me around". Not so much weird as annoying because he made me miss the light while he was trying to get my number. *shakes fist*

Anyway, this all leads to yesterday. I was sitting at the light at Plummer and Tampa waiting to make a left turn to head towards the 118 and the guy in the car next to me starts turning up the volume on his stereo ever-so-slowly. Annoyed, because my windows are open I put down my almonds and inch forward hoping that not being directly next to his open windows will stifle the sound a bit. However, there is not much space between myself and the car in front of me so its a fail. Just after I stop again I hear him yell "Hey spice girl" and I look over and he nods. In my head, I am thinking "What the fuck?". There is nothing anywhere on or around me that is indicative of the Spice Girls. I don't resemble them, I'm not British, and I'm listening to Lil Wayne rap his lil heart out. The only thing I have in common with them is that I am a girl. I was so baffled by this that I just turned back and started eating my almonds again.

Boys are weird. And also, hitting on me via car is not gonna work. Unless you are Mark Wahlberg, Stark Sand, Alexander Skarsgard, Nathan Fillion, or maybe a handful of select people, its not gonna happen. I barely give my number to my friends, let alone COMPLETE strangers who I've met for 30 seconds at a red light.

This was probably super boring, but I'm bored and this at least relieved my boredom.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just saw the Comic Con preview for the second half of Season 3 of True Blood. Hopefully they'll start getting to this stuff soon because it looks friggin AMAZING!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

This is where I want to go to grad school

It's AWESOME. Its intense, but worth it.

An extra bonus of going there is that I have tons of family in that state and the rest of my family (aka you guys!) aren't that far away!

Anyway it looks super cool, but first I must take the GRE and get a good score. Then, I must attempt to get more stuff published. Then, I must gather up the letters of rec and send them off with my application. Then, you must pray while I cross my fingers.

This makes me laugh

I have started watching The IT Crowd and Moss is totally my favorite character. He pretty much makes the show. I'd have to say that scene is my favorite so far. Unfortunately that's the short version, but the FULL SCENE is even more awesome.

Since I'm pretty sure everyone that reads this (if anyone actually does anymore) has seen this show, you know what I mean.

Stay away from me, you goblin!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Caught this interview yesterday. Jay is adorable.

For Padianots

Nadia: "So then C was about to propose to B but-"
Preston: "Nadia can you get that code 1?"
Nadia (to me): "I'll be right back."

BUT WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?! This conversation never got picked up again.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Things that make my heart smile

I love that no matter what time it is Grandpa will always come outside and make sure you get to your car and on your way okay.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Last night's party was fucking awesome!

But, its definitely the green space on Kellie's shirt.

Friday, July 2, 2010

No excuses.

le sigh.

My plan for the next two weeks is to completely put out of my mind all of the reasons why a mental breakdown would be justified and pretend to be happy.

I know that a lot of people are worse off then me, so I'm gonna smile for their sake and work with what I've got.

Wish me luck...I'm gonna need it.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stuff and things and my new eye candy

Clearly Stark Sands is my new obsession. Now that Orlando has become officially affianced, I must find myself a new man. That being said, I am now determined to go to New York before the year is over and see said new man in American Idiot on Broadway.

I also hate my mother because she and my grandmother have season tickets to the La Jolla Playhouse and she got to see him in Bonnie & Clyde, which apparently was really good. Jerk.

Not much else going on (minus the insomnia that has caused all of this week's postings), but keep your fingers crossed that Urban Outfitters will be calling soon with a job opportunity for me!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm currently reading "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell and the following passage made me smile.

Discussing the ramifications of Rules of Engagement:
"And I know one thing for certain. If I ever rounded a mountainside in Afghanistan and came face to face with Osama bin Laden, the man who masterminded the vicious, unprovoked attack on my country, killing 2,752 innocent American civilians in New York on 9/11, I'd shoot him dead, in cold blood.

At which point, urged on by an outraged American media, the military would probably incarcerate me under the jail, nevermind in it. And then I'd be charged with murder.

Tell you what. I'd still shoot the sonofabitch."

And that leads me to my reminder that Epic Fourth of July Party is fast approaching and we need your RSVPs ASAP. Lots of fun stuff in store for those who attend! I promise!

Military and Music Videos

I started watching Band Of Brothers and it made me think of this video (which I love):

Then I tried to think of all the videos I know with military theme that I at least mildly enjoy or ran across while making this list. Here are a few...

While we're on the USO theme (heehee):

This next one makes me sad. Mostly because it happens enough to warrant a song. Also, its not so much a video as a still picture with music:

My favorite line is "I don't keep trash in my home".

One of my personal favorites, but that's probably because my friend used it for her BHD fic:

I forgot they did these:

Not really military related, but amusing:

And of course:


So, yeah, I got a little sidetracked by the amusing ones. Oops!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I feel the need to start paying more attention to what's going on in the world.

The other day some middle-aged woman asked where she could find Rolling Stone magazine. At the time, I was a little confused because she's not exactly my idea of their target audience, but I shrugged it off.

Today, I was randomly looking through Yahoo News articles and ended up watching a video about Obama not responding to a question about the war. That led me to a related video about a General McChrystal turning in his resignation after being quoted openly criticizing the administration in Rolling Stone.

It all makes sense now. Middle-aged woman wants the news firsthand. I should too, right?

Do I make sense?

Anyhoo, bottom line is that I really think its important for me to know what's going on and I've decided to make more of an effort to stay updated.

Watch out world, I'm keeping tabs.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I know that robot posted this on his blog, but I don't think you can fully comprehend how excited I was when I saw it.

I ALWAYS play as Scorpion when I play MK. He's my all-time favorite. AAAAAHHHH! SO EXCITED!!!

Legends of the Hidden Hot Dogs

So today I decided to stop at my house on the way to my date because I desperately needed to go pee and I forgot to go at work before I left. So I hastily park my car and run to the door because, at this point, I'm doing the dance. I don't know if I've properly explained the difficulty I have with my poorly made house key. Its a piece of shit. The first time I tried to open our screen door it took me an average of 75 attempts at turning. LAME SAUCE!! Its not AS bad nowadays, but there are 4 different locks I have to get through. Suffice to say, I now know how those kids on Legends of the Hidden Temple feel when they have to construct that monkey before the temple guards get to them.

That done, I headed out to my second date with a fellow I met online. My first date last week went generally well, but there was simply no spark. I agreed to a second date just to make suresies. I also have been spending this entire week trying to figure out how exactly to tell him I'm not interested without hurting his feelings, because I hate making people sad. It makes me sad. So, I've been asking around for suggestions and here are some of them:

David: He will arrive in the middle of my date with either roses or a ring and pretend to be my current beau. Fairly certain I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face, so that idea is out.

Adam: Excuse myself to go to the restroom and use a running punch to incapacitate him while I run away.

Kaitlin: Had an excellent suggestion of some sort but I FORGOT! Sorry, Wifey :(

Kellie: Tell him I got a second job and don't have the time or money to go out.

Adam: Adam will call him and break up with him for me.

Sarah L.: Tell him I'm not interested.

Mom: Rip off the bandaid aka tell him I'm not attracted to him.

All very good suggestions (minus Uncle 2%), but things didn't really work out as planned...

So, after my LOTHT moment, I made my way to the super hidden and fancy sauce Cupid's Hot Dogs in San Fernando. And, no shit, as I am walking up the song "Breaking Up is Hard to Do" is playing. WTF?!

Anyhoo, we order and I grudgingly allow him to pay (although I ended up contributing a dollar because their credit card machine wasn't functioning properly). We eat and chat for a little while and then he mentions that he was thinking we should go see a movie at 8:30. I check my phone, its 8:15. The theatre is at least 15 minutes away, but probably more. Plus, I'm super tired (which always makes me super blunt) so I straight up say "No". I tell him that I wouldn't be able to stay awake through the movie (which is probably true). I can tell he's a little put off by his plans going awry, but he says its no big deal and we can always reschedule.

I take the out. I know its cowardly, but I am so not in the mood to have an awkward conversation in front of Cupid's. I tell him that sounds good. I assumed we would stay a few minutes and talk some more since we were no longer in a rush, but this fool stands up, throws away our trash and asks "So, where did you park?". Okay, then.

My date lasted a whopping 27 minutes.

So, I've decided to send him a message (maybe call, but probably not) in the next few days and inform him that, upon reflection, I really don't think we work romantically. He's a cool guy but, in all honesty, I want the sparks. I need the sparks. I know it may sound stupid or naive, but I don't want to prolong this if there's no excitement. Its not worth it to me.

Anyhizzle, not much else going on. I'm looking for a second job so I can pay back the man for my education. Hopefully, I can get a job at Urban Outfitters with my god-sister, but it may end up being some shitty part-time at a fastfood establishment. We'll see.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cinematic Gold!

I'm excited. Not only does it have Harrison Ford, Rachel McAdams and Patrick Wilson, but JEFF GOLDBLUM too!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

i wish i could be writing this from the comfort of my own bed. *sigh*

at least my uncle is supposedly working on finishing the rest of the inside of the house so that eventually one of these days the likelihood of me walking on him going pee with the bathroom door open will be nonexistent.

the end.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I need a boyfriend...

and a shower that works.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

When you wish upon a star...

At work yesterday I saw a book titled "Marry Him" that was about why you should settle (yes they used this word) for Mr. Right Now.

This depressed me.

I think its pretty clear that I'm a romantic. I love to see the love story in everything. Since I was little I enjoyed watching Ariel, Belle, and Cinderella finding their true love and conquering over the villain because of the strength of that love. I clearly remember in fifth grade, when we had to do an "All About Me" report, my favorite book at the time was "A Kiss Between Friends". I'm pretty sure I was the only one who hadn't chosen a title off our reading list at random. It has, shall we say, enchanted me for my whole life: this idea of there being a perfect match for everyone. A Mr. Right for the ladies I guess.

I've also spent the last 9 years reading romance novels, so I can now pretty much see the romantic potential in any situation. But, the last 6 years of being out in the real world have also changed how I see romance and love themselves. I can clearly look at a situation and see how changing one small thing--maybe a phrase or action--can turn the moment from ordinary to extraordinary. At least, for those involved. But I can also now see how longing for the extraordinary can kill all the potential for the evolution of the ordinary. How holding out for Mr. Right, can ruin the opportunity for Mr. Right Now to evolve into Mr. Right.

I'm not saying that I don't still dream of finding that perfect someone for me, that one person the universe has decided I fit perfectly with, the Prince Eric to my Ariel as it were. But I have grown up and realize that maybe 8 times out of 10 that "Kiss Between Friends" will most likely fuck up a perfectly good friendship.

The really depressing part of seeing that book title wasn't the fact that we, as a society, have seemingly given up on our romantic ideals, but that settling for Mr. Right Now sounded like a good idea to me.

Also, I don't know what the fuck the book actually says inside.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The eagle has landed

I've already spoken to most of you, but just so you know: I'm home.

I had a fun three weeks away from the real world, but now its back to the daily grind.

And if I owe a trinket or lil people pics don't worry, i got you. The pictures will probably take about a week since I haven't even uploaded them all yet and I have about 12-15 gigs of pics to upload. So, yeah.

Anyhoo, I'm tired, so g'nite.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I totally forgot to give this to you guys! And apparently it would have been handy on St. Patricks Day.

If you would like to leave me a voicemail for free call:

1 888 579 0208

then enter my account number 3101476560

k, thanks.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Scotland: check!

Now I just need Ireland, England, France, Spain, and Italy.

Who will be the best?

(Wales is not included in this competition because its just so precious it seems wrong)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane!

Hello! I just wanted invite you all to join me on my European Adventure! Emily and I will be leaving in about 10 minutes and returning on March 29th. In the meantime I wanted to let you know how to contact us while we're traveling. We will have computer access some of the time so if you feel like shooting either of us an email we should get it within a couple days. Also we have an international cell phone. The number is 44-792-425-2229. If you don't have free long distance on your phone you can call 1-866-305-6462 then enter our phone number when promted and you'll be able to call us at no charge to yourself. Also, because some people have shown interest, if you'd like to add money to our phone you can do so at https://www.ekit.com/ekit/MobileRecharge, but please DON'T feel obligated if you want to call or text us. If you want to see where we've been so far and see what we've been doing, you can head over to our travel journal and follow us around Europe. Just go to http://www.statravelus.ekit.com/ekit/tj/TJM/emily_bonnie/loginf and type in the password VIDALS. We'll try to update regularly so be sure to check back often. We love you all! Thanks again! Au revoir! Ciao!

Friday, March 5, 2010

A broad abroad

Europe fast approaches! I'm so excited there is no words. To be perfectly honest what with moving and inventory at work and planning out this trip to the small details, I've been so stressed out there wasn't even room for excitement. But now that 97% of the details are ironed out and its becoming more of a reality, I CAN'T STOP SHAKING FROM EXCITEMENT!!! AAAHAHAHAHAHA!

The only things left to do is laminate the little people (to be done tomorrow), book two nights in Barcelona and 1 in Belfast (I've become quite adept at navigating hostels.com), clear my memory cards and computer (to be done Sunday), and acquire foreign currencies (to be done Monday at the airport). Our itinerary is pretty much set. I still need to copy/paste the addresses for the hostels, but aside from that its complete. Gah! I can't wait!

I also want to say a BIG thank you to all of you who have donated to my silliness! I totally appreciate the kindness and friendship you have shown me and will be repaying it I promise. I printed up my little travel buddies and CANNOT WAIT to take pictures of you all over Europe.

I'll really miss you all while I'm gallivanting for three weeks, but since I'm going to be taking my laptop along, I shall have frequent posts to share with you. Also, before I leave I will post a number where you can call and leave me free (and amusing) voicemails at your leisure and a way for you to track where we are. That way you can all enjoy it with me! Yay!

Anyhoo, for know I just want to say thanks again for being my friend. :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I both love and hate craigslist.

I love it because I can sometimes find awesome stuff for free or really really cheap.

I hate it because when I list things people never show up to get them or they call/text about them at 2 O'CLOCK IN THE GOD DAMN MORNING!!!! What the frak?!? Who thinks its okay to text a complete stranger at 2am?

I'm going back to sleep now.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I just found this poem today and totally forgot I wrote it. It made me giggle. And, let's be honest, I need a good giggle.

To Lint

There’s no escape from you

Do you think I like having you

turn up in the worst places? When he goes to cop

a feel and his hand pulls back in disgust?

What is that?

Just ignore it, sweetie, and follow through.

Uh, I think I better go.

No one likes a clinger and you’re the worst kind.

I wear my new black suit to impress the top

floor bigwigs and what do you do? Ruining

my chances of a corner office by making a fool out of me.

Now I am “Unkempt Kathy” from Public Relations.

(This name will remain popular until Darlene,

from Accounting, earns the suffix “Downtown”)

See what you have done to me?

With your clinging, dirty image?

Destroyed my reputation at work and in the sack.

Damn you, you dirty, leftover, hanger-on!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Desperate Times...

So apparently my parents have decided to claim me on their taxes this year, which brings my return down to a whopping $128 (it was $1,075). Thus, I've become desperate.

Please donate to Bonnie's Europe Fund!

You will even be rewarded!

$1 = 1 hug from me when next we meet (optional if you're discomforted by human touch)
$5 = Postcard/letter from me during my travels
$10 = a lovely trinket from one of the countries we will be visiting (England, Ireland, Scotland & France)
+ $10 = My undying gratitude for life and I will make a little YOU to take with me on my trip. Upon my return you'll receive a copy of all the pictures of little YOU in Europe!

Please donate by February 27th. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Plasma fail

So my veins are too little for plasma donations. Now I have to figure out another way to make the $$$ I need for Europe.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Words cannot express how much I miss the internet.

Every time I have the opportunity to use it I have to squeeze like 18 things to do into a 20 minute time period. It especially sucks when the internet I am using is spotty. Lame.

Very busy week. Started out with taking the cousins to see Princess & the Frog (which is cute and not overly black--you know you were concerned about that too) on Sunday. Monday was work as usual and then dinner with my parents followed by a lovely jaunt with KTP at LAX watching the planes come in. Tuesday was the Edge of Darkness premiere. The movie was entertaining enough and we saw a couple of celebs. It was worth it though to see the RIDICULOUSLY tiny car that drove past us as we waited in line (will post pic soon!). Wednesday I did the work thing and then joined KFP at the Nick Jonas concert, which was funsies! His music is a lot less pop and a lot more funky than expected. Can't wait for my wife to burn me a copy! Yesterday I spent an hour at Knott's Berry Farm before abandoning that exercise. Its a crappy park that's rides were built for children in China and its dying a slow death. The only good things were the log ride and the Western stunt show. Oh, and the jam, but you can technically buy that at your local grocery store. Anyhoo, we ventured on to Disneyland, which is WAAAAAAAAAY more fun. Spent about 4 hours there and then headed home.

Tonight is Nick Jonas round two with my cousin and tomorrow is an early morning yard sale. Come by if you'd like. Not so much on the dvd, cd market, but we have lots of books, clothes, etc. Also, you can just say hi to me :)

That is all.

Oh, yeah, and I totally rick rolled the store today. It was awesome.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Silent stress

Its weird. I'm ridiculously stressed out, but at the same time I do a really good job of not focusing on it 90% of the time. When that 10% rolls around its bad news bears. I think we can all pretty much guess what it is that is stressing me out--->$$$$$$

I both love and hate this upcoming trip to Europe. I love it because I GET TO GO TO FRAKING EUROPE!!! But I hate it because I have no money for Europe. I'm starting to think now that there is probably no way that we will be able to go to all of the places we want to go. In fact, we'll probably be restricted to non-continental Europe, i.e. England, Scotland, Ireland. Which is totally awesome anyway, but I really wanted to go to France and Emily really wants to go to Italy.

Right now I have way to many upcoming expenses. Even having made $250 at the garage sale last week I'm still waaaaaaaaaay under on funds.

Rent (Feb): $300
Rent (Mar): $465
Chase (Feb/Mar): $128
Macys (Feb/Mar): $60
VS (Feb/Mar): $60
Gardener: $160
DWP (Jan/Feb): $125
Total Costs: $1,298

How much I will make between now and the end of February: $1800

That leaves me with roughly $500 to work with in between.

I'm also expecting to spend roughly $80-100 on Mammoth in 2 weeks. So that brings me down to $400 to work with.

I spend about $25/week on gas so that's: $150
Being mighty frugal on food I can do about $40/week so that's: $240

Bringing me down to $10 left over. Lame.

Hopefully I make more $$ on the rest of my crap I'll be selling in the next few weeks. Btw, I'm having another yard sale on the 30th of this month. I have a few DVDs left and bunches of books and clothes and other random stuff. I might be able to do a "preview" for anyone interested.

If you can think of more ways to make quick cash let me know!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

I don't hate you, I just don't have the internet. I'm currently stealing CSUN's , but I gots to go.

Love you, BYE BYE BYE!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010



I am moving.

Don't freak out!

Its most likely just to Sylmar.

We haven't figured out the details (i.e. we haven't spoken with Emily yet), but we are definitely going to be moved out of my childhood home by the end of February.

Apparently our landlords (who are really old) have hired a caretaker (since they have no family) and she is "taking care of their affairs", which apparently means bullying my mother and doubling our rent.

So, we have decided to "not accept" the increase (yes there was a letter where we check the box and send it back to them) and move out before the effective date, which is March 1st.

My aunt owns a home in Sylmar that they've been renovating so they can rent it out and our plan is for me to move in there with someone else. Since we haven't spoken with Emily yet, I don't know if she will continue to be my roommate or finally move in with Sam's mom in Mission Hills. Either way, I am moving.

Which is super convenient because I am planning on selling everything I own so that I can afford to go to Europe anyway. So, if any of you are interested in purchasing my things, just let me know :)
Wtf Borders? I don't appreciate this coupon I just received in my email for the SAME EXACT discount that employees get. That's just a slap in the face right there. And its not like our discount is an even number and it could be coincidental. No, its friggin' 33%. Stupid.

Anyhizzle, our landlord is sending someone over on Thursday to inspect the house for insurance purposes. Which means...we need to hardcore clean up this place so they don't kick us out. So Wednesday's plan to sell my plasma is not happening. Maybe Friday???? Lord knows I need the $$$$.

Did you find me yet Nadia Mars?

As soon as you do, I'll post a link here.

Friday, January 1, 2010

god damn it! the internet does not allow me to be sneaky when it automatically logs me in. stupid. cover=blown.