Thursday, February 11, 2010

I just found this poem today and totally forgot I wrote it. It made me giggle. And, let's be honest, I need a good giggle.

To Lint

There’s no escape from you

Do you think I like having you

turn up in the worst places? When he goes to cop

a feel and his hand pulls back in disgust?

What is that?

Just ignore it, sweetie, and follow through.

Uh, I think I better go.

No one likes a clinger and you’re the worst kind.

I wear my new black suit to impress the top

floor bigwigs and what do you do? Ruining

my chances of a corner office by making a fool out of me.

Now I am “Unkempt Kathy” from Public Relations.

(This name will remain popular until Darlene,

from Accounting, earns the suffix “Downtown”)

See what you have done to me?

With your clinging, dirty image?

Destroyed my reputation at work and in the sack.

Damn you, you dirty, leftover, hanger-on!

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