Monday, November 22, 2010

I just died

The New Kids On The Block and Backstreet Boys are joining forces for an EPIC concert tour next year.


Unfortunately they have already gone on sale and the only reasonably priced tickets are all the way in the back. And if it was anywhere else but Staples I would be okay with this. However, I've learned from experience (aka the JoBros night 2) that these are not good seats. Anyway, I'll probably have to craigslist/ebay this later on, but that's cool cause hopefully I'll have more $$$ by then too.

Monday, November 15, 2010


While searching through my old posts I came across my Bucket List and discovered that I can cross of number 4!!

I'm gonna mentally combine my two Vegas trips in June to create my "high roller" experience. I think staying in an awesome room, riding in a limo, getting free entry into clubs AND having table service is as high roller as I'll ever get, so its getting crossed off.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010