Friday, May 30, 2008


DISNEYLAND!!!!!! So that's where I went on wednesday with Jason and Nadiapots and it was good times. It was fun to watch them have fun on rides they've never been on and/or don't remember. We hit up all the cool rides and even managed to go on a couple with Kellie and her gang. I'm so glad I went cause I've been wanting to go for along time. Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to hit up the Tiki Room and Dole whip, but I did get my long-awaited pickle from the stand next to Jungle Cruise. It was a low-cost trip too, which was awesome. I packed pb&j, apples, kiwi, and pudding cups for us. Jason brought fruit punch and Nadia brought fruit cups. We had a nice little picnic in the middle of the day. On the way home we were feeling a little hungry and went to Panda Express to get a meal and since Jason knew the guys working there we ended up only paying for drinks (which he paid for cause he's a sweetheart) and it was sweet! Free food is always the way to end the day. 

Nothing else exciting has happened and now I must go clean for the party at my house tonight. *sigh* so many parties...

1 comment:

KTP said...

You need to commit a day to sleep before DC.

word verification word: ecosyb (Ha! I like it)