Tuesday, May 13, 2008

B-Niz taking care of Bizniz

Dear Diary,
It has become very glaringly obvious to me that I am not a schooling person. It does not cooperate well with my tendency to procrastinate. I always wind up waiting for the last minute to study or write a paper or something and then I end up being awake for 38 hours. And we all no that when I'm sleepy or hungry I get cranky. Cranky Bonnie is not a pretty sight. Well, Bonnie is not generally a pretty sight, but this is worse. Anyhizzle, finals are this week and I've spent the time I'm supposed to be studying hanging out with other people and putzing around (case in point). On Saturday I didn't have work so this was designated my "Day of Studying". Unfortunately, I probably spent about 2 hours actually doing schoolwork of any sort. I joined Greeinch and KTP for lunch and returned home to find my father mowing the lawn and my mother cleaning her stuff out of my closet (finally). I decided to help my mom figure out which of her grandmother's costume jewelry should go in the garage sale pile when we came across some rings that we strongly suspect are real gold and diamonds. Shazam! My mom said that if it turns out that they are worth something then she'll buy me an analog camera so I can take some photography classes. Good times. Then I went to Moorpark for an early Mother's Day dinner with my grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousin. We ended up going to the Italian restaurant that my cousin Josh works at and he was working at that evening. It was cool knowing that he was making our food. Mike came over afterward, as did Jennie and George, so I didn't end up going to bed until 3 am. 

Sunday I had work and the 'rents were in SD so it wasn't so much Mother's Day as it was another day at work. From there I went home and began the studying. It was interesting seeing how much I could get done before 10am and thankfully I was able to finish both my paper and the study guide by class time. I think that final did well, but hopefully he'll overlook the fact that I actually only wrote about 3 authors throughout the whole test. I'm pretty sure Ani was stoned while we took it, so that was interesting as well. Went to work after that and, despite the fact that I was running on 2 hours of sleep, I think I was able to accomplish a lot. 

That brings us to today, where I spent the majority of the day studying for my Victorian Lit. test that I took at 5:30. Let me just say, I hate physically writing for a long time and I had to write for 2 hours straight whilst actually using my brain. le sigh. I think I did well, though. I threw a little Romantic Age reference at the end to spice it up a bit by showing the progression of a certain idea. Hopefully that will help and not hinder me. So from this point I have two more finals tomorrow starting at 10:15. Before said finals I must write and essay on Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel, finish the Anthropology study guide, and categorize the main ideas from all of the writers we discussed this semester in my theory class and how they relate to each other. This is made a little more difficult because I haven't actually read the majority of these things. We shall see how this turns out. I guess. Hmm.

Well that's my show. Chow!

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