Thursday, May 8, 2008

Chicken, Waffles and Planes

Dear Diary,
The other night I hung out with my peeps. It was general good times. First we hit up Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles in H-Wood and pretended to be tourists. Whilst taking racially discriminating photos, we consumed the deliciousness that is fried chicken smothered in syrup. Mmm...I'm getting hungry. I would provide visual evidence except I'm a little inept at this blogging crap. I've tried and my computer hates me or something. So, after this fatty fiesta we rolled on over to LAX to watch the planes come in. That was my favorite part of the night. While lying on Kellie's ridiculously big blanket in the tiny park, I felt closer to these three people than ever before (figuratively and physically). It was awesome. Again, I would provide visual evidence, but I suck at life. In other news, finals are fast approaching and I fear I have my usual lack of concentration for school work. Case in point. Here I sit writing about studying for finals while not actually doing it. I had planned to write my essays and paper tonight, but Greeeinch needs help with his and I have no motivation to do mine so I'm heading over there after I scarf down some lasagna. 
I've decided I miss Kellie. Even though we work together pretty often, it's not really the same as when I was just a seller. I feel all this pressure to always be doing something and not just shooting the shit. We chilled for a few minutes while I was stickering shit and that was cool until someone killed it. I think I just miss work before I became a supervisor. Although, to be fair, I definitely don't miss my old paychecks. 
That is all, lasagna beckons. Chow Diary!

1 comment:

KTP said...

Damn someone and their killing of happiness. What a douche.

My word verification word: makuna!