Friday, May 23, 2008

le sigh

So I went to see Indy last night. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was just as ridiculous and amusing as the rest, but I think they may have gone a skotch (sp?) overboard with the aliens thing. Also, the "Twilight" trailer was before the movie and that was lovely to see. I do think the movie should be interesting at the very least. I'll just have to prepare myself and not expect it to be anything like the book.  

On a brighter note (not) my sister continues to play the victim and believe that she is not to blame for her own lack of funds. I wash my hands of the situation. 

1 comment:

KTP said...

Less than two weeks away! I am so excited.

However, we spoke of this. So, change is to come. Oh that, we are sure.

word verification word: lzzgmk(not a really very fun one today.)