Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ophidiophobics and Silly Soviets

I just read this article on Yahoo! about how the Russian communists are all bent out of shape over Indiana Jones. It made me laugh because they're all angry that the youths of their country are now going to believe that in 1957 Russians were running about the U.S. with crystal skulls and almost causing nuclear wars. What the frak? Cause after seeing the first three Indy movies, we believed that the Nazis spent all their time looking for religious relics and Indian people are all involved in strange cults that practice human sacrifice. Its a fucking Hollywood movie! No one takes this bullshit seriously. I mean, for reals, do they think that the majority of people in their country are going to believe that an integral part of their history involves mind-reading alien skulls? Come on people! Take a chill pill, its a movie. The Russians need to get the sticks out of their asses and calm down. 


KTP said...

Bonnie, your post makes me laugh. It reminds me of when the Catholic Church got all bent out of shape about The Da Vinci Code. Well, several others too. I used to have to explain to people that the book was shelved in the fiction section. Some people...

Word Verification Word: Zimdxi (!)

Kennya said...
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