Wednesday, June 4, 2008


My birthday has passed and it was good times. Went out with KFP and KTP to McBJ's for some berry cider and my first ever pazookie (i don't know how you spell that). It was general good times and then we popped by Borders and wreaked some havoc in the romance section. 

Today, I had lunch with my sister and Jennie at one of my favorite restaurants. It was nice. The plan from there was to meet up with my parents at 5 to go to dinner and then see "Singing in the Rain". The 'rents were late, as per usual, but we did end up going to Chi Chi's for dinner and I love their pizza. Then we headed out for the show and my parents totally pulled one over on me. It ended up that they bought tickets to Wicked and we had kick ass orchestra seats. The show was AMAZING!!!!! It was the best show I've seen. I want ever single one of Glinda's sparkly dresses. So pretty. 

Aside from all the birthday stuff, I'm almost all packed for the big trip to D.C. and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! As I write this I am clearing all my SD cards for my camera. YAY!!!!

1 comment:

KTP said...

You spelled Pazookie right.

And how totally awesome is it that you're parents surprised you. Too bad Rey doesn't surprise me.

word verification word: laaggh (haha! It makes me laugh)