Monday, November 10, 2008

I can't take that ride

I can't believe they still air this! Made me smile.

I'm doing an informative speech on Blogging and its pretty interesting reading these articles and considering their relevance to myself, amateur blogger that I am. 

Another overnight tonight. I think I'll bring an energy drink. I am comforted by the fact that I don't have school tomorrow since its a holiday. Yay! I can actually sleep before returning to work later that day. 

Things due for school in the next two weeks that I haven't done: 
  1. Finish reading Geek Love
  2. Create outline of a group discussion (that I will lead) on one aspect of Geek Love
  3. Finish reading Uncle Tom's Cabin and start reading Ruth Hall
  4. Write a poem that I won't be embarrassed to have workshopped on Thursday
  5. Research Blogging
  6. Create outline for informative speech on Blogging
  7. Practice informative speech for delivery on Thursday
  8. Choose topic for 10 page paper on 19th century women's literature
  9. Research topic and write paper (due next Thursday)
  10. Fill out speech evaluation form for fellow classmate's speech
  11. Write 1 page review of speeches I observed last Sunday
  12. Write 1-2 page self evaluation of informative speech
  13. Research topic for persuasive speech
The only things not due this week are numbers 8,9, 12, and 13. Lame. 

In other news, someone needs to buy this and I need to play it! Get over here!

I love Scorpion.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

That's pretty cool looking. Marvel vs Street Fighter is better though.