Thursday, December 10, 2009

So due to unforeseen financial difficulties on my parent's part (i.e. they found out they'll need to pay the entire $500 dwp bill for my grandparents + the $300 it took to fix my grandma's car two days ago), I will need to return half of the presents I bought yesterday in order to pay one of their bills and still be able to eat, drive, etc. until payday next friday.

After my initial "that blows" I've come to be okay with it. I can always buy them again. In fact, I was slightly tempted to return it all except the boxset I got my dad is a way better deal at 40% off and I need my little cousin's bday present for Tuesday. Unfortunately, these two things are also the most expensive items, but c'est la vie.

Just so you know, its highly likely that if you get a present from me it will be made by my two little hands.

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