Thursday, December 18, 2008

I was trying so hard to get through the season without this

The internets has been down for the last couple of days so I have not posted. At this point, yesterday's events erased anything I had previously intended to write about from my mind. 

  • 7:30am--Visit to dentist, where my gums were poked to death and I left with the feeling that I'd never be able to fully close my mouth comfortably again.
  • 8:30am--Visit my mother in Sylmar in order to use her internet to accept my loan. My mom's idea of breakfast, I find out, is cookies. Where was this version of my mom when I was growing up?
  • 9:30am--Begin the drive to Westlake to visit an old friend with lots of...issues. 
  • 10am--Receive a text from said friend saying that she just woke up and needs more time before I come visit. I am approximately 5 minutes away from her place. I tell her this and she replies "Crap. Ok. I just need to get rid of a boy". Hmm. I try to be nonjudgmental, but this, to me, is just rude. I thought I was being rude by being 5 minutes late to our meeting. 
  • 10:20am--After sitting outside her building (as instructed in a following text) reading in my car, I am finally allowed to enter her place. Met her beau. Was decidedly unimpressed. 
  • 10:30-12pm--Had a nice lunch at Denny's. Was strange how casually we talked about some tough issues. I think I am getting jaded. 
  • 12pm-12:45pm--Spent 45 minutes on the 101 maneuvering around drivers who fear even the lightest of rain. 
  • 12:45-1:30pm--Relaxed at home. Did NOT want to leave for work. 
  • 2-11pm--Worked. See below.

So it was a normal day at work. It was really slow and Alix decided to leave early since it was becoming apparent that 3 closing managers was excessive. I hopped on the Reg right before my break and ended up selling 2 glitter balls to Brad Dourif, who we all know (at least us LOTR freaks) played Grima Wormtounge. That made my day. After break, everything proceeded as usual until the last hour of the day. Apparently no one was scheduled for the main info station and all the extra sellers were needed on the register. I thought nothing of watching the station myself. At 20 minutes to close I was dodging 3 phone calls and was requested over the walkie at the registers. 20 seconds later Amanda comes up and tells me that they really needed me cause some guy was yelling at Megan. I don't really want to transcribe the whole conversation, but it consisted mostly of the douchebag of all douchebags constantly telling me "Listen to me" and "Focus". Focus on this asshole. He wouldn't let me or Megan talk because he was so convinced that he knew what needed to be done. I eventually just talked right over him and proceeded to do what I knew needed to be done to rectify the problem. His inability to trust in female intelligence exacerbated the situation, until it bordered on the ridiculous. Suffice to say, I didn't take any shit from him. His whole problem stemmed from the fact that in really teeny tiny font his gift receipts said RTN/EXCH and he thought that was tacky. I'm not gonna say again my personal prejudices against a certain group of people in this world, but he was undoubtedly one of them. I'm sorry, if I saw that on my gift receipt, I would think "Oh, okay. I can return it or exchange it", not "Oh how tacky, they exchanged something else for my gift". He was so fucktarded. He didn't calm down at all until Patrick came over and a man told him the SAME FUCKING THINGS I HAD BEEN TELLING HIM!!! To his credit, Patrick basically straight up told the man that he didn't care what the situation was cause he had faith in my abilities and trusted that I did everything correctly. At 10:10 (10 minutes after we close) this transaction was done and then he decided he needed to wrap the presents. I was shaking I was so pissed. After all this Patrick, Heather, Lauren (wasn't involved in any of this at all) and I went over to Amanda's and had some drinks to unwind. It was random and fun. 

Things I was going to mention in blog form prior to yesterday:
  • Loan drama
  • Racism at Roscoes?!
  • My friend's problem that seems straight out of a romance novel
  • Finals

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