Thursday, September 4, 2008


I got a parking ticket tonight for parking in a handicap spot. I'm not too concerned because I have just feasted on the awesomeness that is a double double and because I also just got my loan check like two weeks ago, so for now the state shall be paying itself. Just some advice to anyone contemplating parking where they don't belong: park in front of a fire hydrant, its way cheaper. Now I know.

In other news: Martin no call, no showed his way out of work so that's awesome. He was a creeper (as Kaitlin would say). Life at work is getting more and more stressful as I have to deal with the results of a skeleton staff, increasingly messy/needy patrons, and lack of sleep.

The result being whiny coworkers who think I really care. I don't. I may have cared the first two times you told me how all this change pisses you off, but I don't anymore. Its tiresome. Do you think I want to spend my day listening to you whine and complain about how you have to do everything yourself or it wouldn't get done; or how you don't get enough hours; or how the shifting around of shelving units is stupid; or how so-and-so doesn't do anything and gets away with it; or how now you have to deal with school on top of everything else? No, I don't. I'm not your therapist or your mom or your significant other. I. DON'T. GIVE. A. SHIT. I can't fix it for you. These aren't my decisions and they aren't all bad decisions. In fact, some of them I think totally improve the store. I apologize. I just needed to get that out.

As I was...

School started, so most of my free time is now devoted to reading the thousands of poems/novels that must be read. Things I have discovered in these readings thus far: modern poetry is not ALL bad; despite my love for Jane Austen, "Emma" is a really boring read (at least the first 150 pages); I might be able to conquer this public speaking thing despite my teacher's Pam Anderson voice; and I need to talk to more of my classmates. Right now I should be doing homework, but it has to be turned in typed and I just realized I have nothing to print it on since both of my printers are out of ink. Balls. I also have some poetry to read, but thats not all that hard.

I am so boring.

I found out the most horrible news ever!!! The Croc company (creators of the most hideous shoes in the universe and the worst thing to ever come out of Colorado!!!) has released new versions of the abomination they call footwear and now have Crocs with heels for the more fashion forward, and a Vans-type Croc for the skaters. AAAAHHHHH!!!!!! The end is very fucking nigh. Granted, the vans ones aren't that bad, but you can definitely see the crocodile influence.

LINK  LINK  LINK  LINK  LINK!!!! I am link happy because it makes me happy to have visuals. 

1 comment:

Fatty Pants said...

"whine and complain" and the last link were the best. ha.

i can't sleep :(