Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stuff and things and my new eye candy

Clearly Stark Sands is my new obsession. Now that Orlando has become officially affianced, I must find myself a new man. That being said, I am now determined to go to New York before the year is over and see said new man in American Idiot on Broadway.

I also hate my mother because she and my grandmother have season tickets to the La Jolla Playhouse and she got to see him in Bonnie & Clyde, which apparently was really good. Jerk.

Not much else going on (minus the insomnia that has caused all of this week's postings), but keep your fingers crossed that Urban Outfitters will be calling soon with a job opportunity for me!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm currently reading "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell and the following passage made me smile.

Discussing the ramifications of Rules of Engagement:
"And I know one thing for certain. If I ever rounded a mountainside in Afghanistan and came face to face with Osama bin Laden, the man who masterminded the vicious, unprovoked attack on my country, killing 2,752 innocent American civilians in New York on 9/11, I'd shoot him dead, in cold blood.

At which point, urged on by an outraged American media, the military would probably incarcerate me under the jail, nevermind in it. And then I'd be charged with murder.

Tell you what. I'd still shoot the sonofabitch."

And that leads me to my reminder that Epic Fourth of July Party is fast approaching and we need your RSVPs ASAP. Lots of fun stuff in store for those who attend! I promise!

Military and Music Videos

I started watching Band Of Brothers and it made me think of this video (which I love):

Then I tried to think of all the videos I know with military theme that I at least mildly enjoy or ran across while making this list. Here are a few...

While we're on the USO theme (heehee):

This next one makes me sad. Mostly because it happens enough to warrant a song. Also, its not so much a video as a still picture with music:

My favorite line is "I don't keep trash in my home".

One of my personal favorites, but that's probably because my friend used it for her BHD fic:

I forgot they did these:

Not really military related, but amusing:

And of course:


So, yeah, I got a little sidetracked by the amusing ones. Oops!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I feel the need to start paying more attention to what's going on in the world.

The other day some middle-aged woman asked where she could find Rolling Stone magazine. At the time, I was a little confused because she's not exactly my idea of their target audience, but I shrugged it off.

Today, I was randomly looking through Yahoo News articles and ended up watching a video about Obama not responding to a question about the war. That led me to a related video about a General McChrystal turning in his resignation after being quoted openly criticizing the administration in Rolling Stone.

It all makes sense now. Middle-aged woman wants the news firsthand. I should too, right?

Do I make sense?

Anyhoo, bottom line is that I really think its important for me to know what's going on and I've decided to make more of an effort to stay updated.

Watch out world, I'm keeping tabs.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I know that robot posted this on his blog, but I don't think you can fully comprehend how excited I was when I saw it.

I ALWAYS play as Scorpion when I play MK. He's my all-time favorite. AAAAAHHHH! SO EXCITED!!!

Legends of the Hidden Hot Dogs

So today I decided to stop at my house on the way to my date because I desperately needed to go pee and I forgot to go at work before I left. So I hastily park my car and run to the door because, at this point, I'm doing the dance. I don't know if I've properly explained the difficulty I have with my poorly made house key. Its a piece of shit. The first time I tried to open our screen door it took me an average of 75 attempts at turning. LAME SAUCE!! Its not AS bad nowadays, but there are 4 different locks I have to get through. Suffice to say, I now know how those kids on Legends of the Hidden Temple feel when they have to construct that monkey before the temple guards get to them.

That done, I headed out to my second date with a fellow I met online. My first date last week went generally well, but there was simply no spark. I agreed to a second date just to make suresies. I also have been spending this entire week trying to figure out how exactly to tell him I'm not interested without hurting his feelings, because I hate making people sad. It makes me sad. So, I've been asking around for suggestions and here are some of them:

David: He will arrive in the middle of my date with either roses or a ring and pretend to be my current beau. Fairly certain I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face, so that idea is out.

Adam: Excuse myself to go to the restroom and use a running punch to incapacitate him while I run away.

Kaitlin: Had an excellent suggestion of some sort but I FORGOT! Sorry, Wifey :(

Kellie: Tell him I got a second job and don't have the time or money to go out.

Adam: Adam will call him and break up with him for me.

Sarah L.: Tell him I'm not interested.

Mom: Rip off the bandaid aka tell him I'm not attracted to him.

All very good suggestions (minus Uncle 2%), but things didn't really work out as planned...

So, after my LOTHT moment, I made my way to the super hidden and fancy sauce Cupid's Hot Dogs in San Fernando. And, no shit, as I am walking up the song "Breaking Up is Hard to Do" is playing. WTF?!

Anyhoo, we order and I grudgingly allow him to pay (although I ended up contributing a dollar because their credit card machine wasn't functioning properly). We eat and chat for a little while and then he mentions that he was thinking we should go see a movie at 8:30. I check my phone, its 8:15. The theatre is at least 15 minutes away, but probably more. Plus, I'm super tired (which always makes me super blunt) so I straight up say "No". I tell him that I wouldn't be able to stay awake through the movie (which is probably true). I can tell he's a little put off by his plans going awry, but he says its no big deal and we can always reschedule.

I take the out. I know its cowardly, but I am so not in the mood to have an awkward conversation in front of Cupid's. I tell him that sounds good. I assumed we would stay a few minutes and talk some more since we were no longer in a rush, but this fool stands up, throws away our trash and asks "So, where did you park?". Okay, then.

My date lasted a whopping 27 minutes.

So, I've decided to send him a message (maybe call, but probably not) in the next few days and inform him that, upon reflection, I really don't think we work romantically. He's a cool guy but, in all honesty, I want the sparks. I need the sparks. I know it may sound stupid or naive, but I don't want to prolong this if there's no excitement. Its not worth it to me.

Anyhizzle, not much else going on. I'm looking for a second job so I can pay back the man for my education. Hopefully, I can get a job at Urban Outfitters with my god-sister, but it may end up being some shitty part-time at a fastfood establishment. We'll see.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cinematic Gold!

I'm excited. Not only does it have Harrison Ford, Rachel McAdams and Patrick Wilson, but JEFF GOLDBLUM too!