Saturday, November 14, 2009

We all know what it means when you assume.

Okay. I make assumptions kind of often, especially when it comes to my sister. I know I shouldn't because more often than not it backfires. But my assumptions are usually logical. Like, if I take down the trash cans on trash day she will bring them up. Apparently, she has been making assumptions as well. Only, hers make me confuzled.

Case in point:

E: Did you use my straightener?
B: Yes, is that okay?
E: No. Its kind of annoying actually.
B: Oh, uh. I'm sorry...? I didn't think it would be a big deal.
E: Well, you used to use my hair dryer and that kind of annoyed me.
B: Oh.
E: And I waited months for you to buy one but I had to go out and get one.
B: Was I supposed to buy a hairdryer?
E: No, but I assumed you would because you were complaining about not having one.
B: What? When did I complain?
E: You complained once.
B: (long disbelieving pause) And so I was supposed to buy a new one?
E: You just do a lot of things that annoy me.

I don't feel that was a justified assumption. Granted, I used her old hairdryer with frequency, but it didn't break because of over use. In fact, said hairdryer was STOLEN along with a bunch of other crap she had in her car. Therefore, its defection from our home was in no way connected to me and one complaint about its disappearance does not mean I am obligated to replace it. Absurd, I say. Absurd.

Not too mention, I'm pretty she does more to annoy me than I her.

That is all.

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