Monday, August 24, 2009

The following dialogue is documented for Kellie's amusement.

(whilst discussing the recent Terminator film)
Rey: Ugh. And that one guy is in it...What's his name?
Miguel: Christian Bale?
Rey: No, that guy...
Me: Sam Worthington?
Rey: Yeah!...that motherfucker...Kellie's a little too interested in that guy.
Me: Ha! (pointing at Rey) Jealous!


Fatty Pants said...

hahaha...he's so pretty...especially in 3D

Kellie said...

HAHAHA!! That's funny. He never said anything about my long-standing (and still standing) crush on Clive Owen

Fatty Pants said...

Maybe Rey also has a crush on Sam and therefore finds him a more worrisome adversary. This is totally plausible.

God said...

He did mention the fact that Sam has replaced Clive in the number 1 spot, and this is indicative of the level of your love for Sam.

Kellie said...

Rey's crush is worse than mine because they actually converse whilst I just look at pictures with a dreamy smile on my face.

Even more terrible is that he plans to take that guy out for a fancy dinner.

Kellie said...

I was just looking at this and I noticed the word verification word was boner. Hahahahahaha!