Thursday, April 30, 2009

This is why I am a bad student.

As the end of the semester approaches, I realize now that I have a shit ton of homework to get done. yikes. I hate when procrastination catches up with you. 

Pop Culture:
  • *Group Presentation: Semiotic analysis on Fashion, my section is focusing on the prevalence of fashion-related shows on television. Due Mon. 5/4
  • Research Paper: Semiotic analysis of the film "Little Miss Sunshine" focusing on the inclusion of the Hero Myth and the underlying commentary on the American success myth and conceptions of failure. Due Mon. 5/4

Poetry Workshop
  • Aesthetic Statement: 2-3 page paper explaining the function of our poetry, including references from particular poems in our portfolio and from outside sources. Due Thurs. 5/7
  • 10 revised poems. Due Thurs. 5/7
  • Weekly journal of poetry: 13 poems Due Thurs. 5/7
  • Parody poem of fellow poet's work that we've seen this semester. Due Thurs. 5/7

Adolescent Lit
  • Read "Somewhere in the Darkness" and complete response questions. Due Mon. 5/4
  • Complete response questions for 5 other books we've read, but I didn't do cause I ditched class those days. Due Mon. 5/11
  • Put together all my reader responses from the semester and create a portfolio. Due Mon. 5/11

Modern Poetry
  • Study!!!! Especially all the poets that I didn't read for various reasons. Due Tues. 5/12

* I also happen to have the group member from hell. She is unbelievably controlling and keeps trying to tell me and the other guy in our group what we should be talking about. She even sent me a powerpoint document to "edit" in case she wrote the wrong stuff for us. I haven't even told her any of the information I have for my side, which means she filled in what she wants me to talk about. She also called me yesterday to tell me what I was presenting to which I responded with a detailed description of what I was actually going to speak about. This is so annoying. Our teacher even said "Don't do too much research for this. Its not that hard". My only guess is that she must not be doing well in the class and needs a good grade. I, however, have a solid A at the moment. 


Fatty Pants said...

Fashion related show, eh? Like What Not To Wear? Or like show with fancy clothes in them like GG?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you've seen this already but I think you might enjoy this, Bonita.