Thursday, February 12, 2009

Miguel is coming back to work with us today! Yay!

Okay, back to homework...


So Kaitlin introduced us to an awesome site where you can mention the crap that happens to you daily. I have been enjoying it thoroughly for the last hour. 

This one made me think of Andrew, cause I can just hear his voice say that last line. 

"Today, I was on the phone with my boyfriend for an hour listening to him talk about his new truck and his final exams for an hour. I literally did not say one word. Just as i said 'hey baby guess what happened to me today?' he says 'Can I go to sleep, I'm too tired to guess... night.' FML"

Luckily, I didn't have any FML moments today (well technically yesterday) and work went pretty well. I cracked myself up whilst merching, though. I had to create three shelves of African American Fiction books and decided to usurp them from an existing Fiction display. So the bookshelf basically was an empty top shelf with a sign that says "New Fiction" followed by three shelves of new fiction books, then an empty shelf for a signs that says "African American Interest" followed by three shelves of Af-Am Fic. I went into the back to find the sign and a holder and then returned to put the sign up. As I stood back to admire my lovely job, I realized that the sign holder for the African American Interest sign is the only black holder in the section. It made me laugh. I hope no one complains. 

I can't wait for Colorado! Snow! I'm sad my wife can't go with us, though, cause I have yet to travel out of state with her. Love you, wifey!

I should go to bed, I have to get up early to do homework. G'night. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quote of the day!

I almost wasted my 1 absence yesterday cause I really wasn't feeling like going to school. After thinking about it, I have decided to save this for a day with better weather. So I ended up going to school to learn something. 

I learned that when it is not raining they will put out the convenient little bridges that prevent you from having to walk through the giant rivers that accumulate along curbs. This would've been useful on Thursday when I ended up spending the 6 hours of school with soaking wet socks and shoes. Dumb bitches (its plural but its not). 

Anywho, I am really glad that I didn't skip school cause I would've missed this awesome quote:

"Okay, let's take a 15 minute break and then we'll come back and play with our packages."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

This article is so friggin' cute. 

Cause we rock...

This is the JoBro equiv of the North & South video. 

  • The slow-mo reaction shot of Joe Jonas once he recognizes the song
  • The awkward first attempt at hand holding during the middle of the song
  • Demi Lovato's attempts to dance to a song that really is not made for dancing (lots of interesting knee bends and making of fists

I'm pretty sure this is the video you were talking about Kellie:

I so want to go to a hockey game. 
Even if the fight turns out like this:

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Don't watch if you haven't seen North & South and plan to one day.

That's the last time

I just have to say that I did that stupid 25 things list for Kaitlin and she hasn't even commented on it. That's the last time I give into peer pressure. I'm deleting that post on Sunday cause you really don't need to know that shit and I kinda don't want it sitting and festering on the interwebs.

In other news, my poetry workshop class is ridiculous. I had this same teacher for a poetry workshop last semester and I enjoyed it. But these people do NOT understand how this is supposed to function. In a normal workshop the poet reads the poem and then a primary respondent goes through the poem with a fine toothed comb and discusses what they do and do not like. From there it is open to the class to discuss the same, one person at a time. Sounds simple. Apparently it is not. 

It frustrated the shit out of me that everyone was talking OVER each other. Like, what the fuck is the poet supposed to do when they can even understand what people are saying? It was stupid. Then one of the guys didn't get to read his poem cause his primary respondent just starting discussing it. There is also this one guy who wants to make everything vulgar. He thought my poem was about a girl who wants to have a one-night stand. He would not let go of this idea and eventually my teacher got so fed up that she made him stop talking. Then when we were workshopping his poem (which, surprise surprise, is about a guy who wants to fuck) he kept explaining what his poem is about. Dude, the rules are simple for the poet. Read the poem, take notes. How hard is it?! 

Anyway, the zoo was so much fun! I saw giraffes, flamingoes, monkeys, lions (rawr trick! get out my face!), tigers, bears (kellie already did it), kangaroos, koalas, & baby animals! I took lots of pictures but I have no memory left on my hard drive and thus cannot upload the photos. Eventually they'll end up on my computer. 

I'm gonna hit the sack. Goodnight John-boy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

25 things you do not need to know about me.

1. My normal state when I hate someone is exactly the same as my normal state when I like you. You would never know. 

2. I am absolutely obsessed with E! True Hollywood Stories. I have seen most if not all. 

3. I have stopped buying DVDs cause I realized that I was in that consumerist mindset that I buy simply to have and not to actually appreciate. My last dvd purchase: Camp Rock (and it is still in the bag).

4. In four days, I will have been working at the bookstore for two years exactly. Thank you Ken.

5. I have a wife, am separated from my homosexual husband, and have a sancha whom I oft travel with.

6. One of my favorite things to do is critique what other people have written.

7. I have stopped two people from killing themselves.

8. I have repressed/forgotten 96% of my childhood.

9. I still have my V-card and will only cash it in at a quality establishment.

10. I once wanted to be a fashion designer. I still get emails from FIDM. 

11. I can't visualize my future. This sometimes makes me think that I, in fact, have no future. 

12. I have attended four colleges in the past four and a half years. 

13. I have spent hundreds of dollars on high heeled shoes. I do not wear high heeled shoes on a regular basis. I actually almost never wear these shoes. 

14. I have never left this country. 

15. There is a moment in the movie The Queen when in frustration Tony Blair says, "Someone needs to save these people from themselves" (or something like that). This line pops into my head almost daily while dealing with the people around me. 

16. I have a strange fascination with natural disasters. My ideal death is watching a tsunami pull back the ocean whilst standing on the beach. 

17. My greatest literary work is a three page piece of fanfiction that stars Riddick from Pitch Black. Its amazing. 

18. If I had to choose between throwing up for 5 minutes straight or death, I would always, always, always choose death.

19. I love kittens, but hate cats. And either way I hate lolcats. 

20. I once tried to construct a swimming pool in my backyard. It turned into a mudpit. Which was even awesomer!

21. You don't know me.

22. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

23. I am fascinated by what typos reveal about people. Thank you sancha for this one: "We've already discussed my opinions about poetry so you know I feel." 

25. I am obsessed with infomercials. As a result I received Mighty Putty as a Christmas gift. It works!

Moving on.

Nate was talking to me about this sketch the other day. It really is reminiscent of a day at work.
Its more audio than video. Sorry.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

BSG meets BMG

My most recent venture into poetry via Battlestar Galactica, or as Emily likes to call it, Saddlebar Galactica.

For Dee...

A Fraktured World

Why did she do it?
                                  How could she not?

Tomorrow became a wasted yesterday—
not this woman's treasure—
So how could she not choose to indulge
in smiles made possible with each shot
of joy infused in his kiss?
Why not reclaim those wasted moments,
kiss her thanks to the one who's seen it all—
                                                                               been her all?

And when she hung her hopes up
with her diamond ring and dog tags, safe
within her soldier's locker,
it was with a happy heart's
simple song for the moment
that she pulled the trigger:
hanging on to that feeling
                                               as long as she could.
Pneumonia: hard on the lungs, but an amazingly effective diet. 

So after spending three days sleeping and living off a diet of robitussin and soup, I have lost 6 pounds. 

I'd write more, but I'm le tired.