- Put a book on hold at Barnes & Noble and didn't pick it up.
- Ran into Miguel on the way to school for the first time even though he's been parking in my driveway since the end of August. :)
- Went to an enjoyable class session, but it did end with a paltry checkmark on the one writing assignment I really enjoyed creating. I think it was the rhyming that killed it for him :(
- Went to work and unpacked 1,000 boxes of PC crap
- Spent my break purchasing 32 oz. of fake blood, 25 feet of plastic sheeting, and green hair spray.
- Spent another 4 hours unpacking boxes of PC crap
- Went home.
Sure wish we had this in-store so I could use the 40% off coupon. Lame.
a real post!!! yay!
i rnadomly found a bottle of fake blood last night if you need more. i think it's marie's, but what's she going to do with it?
Have figured out best costume ever. But not for me. I have too many as it is. For Rey.
I will take the fake blood just in cases.
Also, Rey told me he had a new costume, is this what you have mentioned? He said I would be one of four people to appreciate it, but did not say anything else.
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