I can't believe I forgot to post this...
Anyhizzle, there were three historical travesties that I witnessed at our nations capitol and they are listed as follows:
1) In the entryway to the Rotunda of the National Archives rests one of four existing original copies of The Magna Carta. Everyone completely bypasses it without a backward glance.
2) At Arlington National Cemetery there are 8 people buried there that fought in the Revolutionary War and not a single one of them is on the Persons of Interest List on their Map. What?! These people literally fought for the freedom and existence of this country and we don't get to know where they're buried.
3) On the wall in a space about 8 inches wide between two doorways at Mt. Vernon (George Washington's house) is an unlabeled plastic case containing the key to the front gates of the Bastille. Once again, everyone just glances at it (if they managed to hear the tour lady mention it) and walks on. This is the key (literally) to the start of the French Revolution and it sits idly encased upon a wall with no label. TRAVESTY!!!!!
Aside from those 3 things, it was really fun to explore all the places we went to.