Friday, October 23, 2009


I don't really like people with strong opinions. I think I fear that they have a greater chance of becoming zealous, and that freaks me out. Also, I hate when people refuse to change their opinions because they think it is a good trait to stick to your convictions. What if something happens in your life, or someone says something to you, and it just completely changes things? I totally have known people that ignore such epiphanies and remain dead set on their original opinion. Its annoying.

I think this is why I generally am uncomfortable around people who are: feminists, religious, political, activists, ethnocentric, prejudiced and sexist. I, myself, have prejudices, but they actually are pretty specific and based on personal experience. Plus, I am inclined to make exceptions once I've interacted with the person.


Anonymous said...

I love you Binota, "flaws" & all.

Kellie said...

While I was reading this, I was thinking of some of your "opinions." I was also drinking ginger ale, and then it went up my nose because I kinda laughed/snorted (which = lahorted) and now my nose burns.