Monday, December 7, 2009


It is Christmastime and I am happy.

Also, I've made a few life decisions that hopefully will work out well.
  1. I've decided not to apply to Grad school this year because of a few reasons: I haven't taken the GRE yet and some of them require this--and its not something I want to rush into, your portfolio is like 90% of what they're judging and I don't think mine is up to par--I've been splitting my focus what with school/work/etc., and I really don't want to rush back into school because I'm still a little iffy on what I want from my life and not confident in making that financial commitment.
  2. I need to get a second job. This may seem like a stupid idea in lieu of the portfolio biz, but the fact is I need more money. I've been cutting back spending recently and its sort of working (i.e. I actually have $$ in my bank account), but its not helping eliminate my credit card debt and its not really allowing me to save a whole lot. Starting in July I'm gonna be paying back my student loans and ideally I'd like to have my credit card debt taken care of.
  3. Its time to lose weight. My immediate family is having a friendly competition in order for us all to get a little healthier. Whoever loses the most weight (in terms of %--biggest loser status) by the end of April 2010 will get a new wardrobe (a few outfits) compliments of the rest of us. I intend to win.
  4. I'm going to write a book. Who knows if it will get published, I'm just going to write it. I won't describe it here (cause I don't trust the interwebs) but it is an awesome idea and you will love it. Just ask me for deets if you're curious.
I guess its kinda like new year's resolutions but I never actually follow through with those so hopefully these will work out. CROSS YOUR FINGERS!
Come April, I will look like this:


Anonymous said...

Can I join in on this friendly weight loss competition? I really need a workout buddy and someone to say to me straight out, "put the fucking fork down, Nadia!" Haha!

God said...

Hahaha! you can totally join in, but i don't think you can cash in on the new wardrobe part ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha, yeah, I figured that much. So when do we begin?!

God said...

Officially starts the day after Christmas.