Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Who said we were friends?

Why can't everyone just be a workaholic like me so that I don't have to be annoyed at work. 

Grrrrr! I hate people who are lazy and then lie to my face about it! At least D.B. knows he's lazy. 

This is what I felt like on the inside for half of the day...

Thankfully, I have tomorrow off. Maybe I'll be industrious and clean the house. Or  maybe I'll be adventurous and take the metro somewhere. Or maybe I'll be creative and write something. Or maybe I'll be studious and get a head start on my school reading (of which there is a lot). Or maybe I shall say "fuck it" and sleep til the early evening...yeah I'll probably end up doing the last one, but I'm okay with that. 

I also saw Indiana Jones last night. Not the movie, the person. It was funny. I was standing outside Pickwick's after they closed and this fellow walks past. I noticed he was dressed like Indy and even looked like a youngish Harrison Ford (rowr!). It wasn't until I saw the hat and whip log on the back of his jacket that I realized that this was the look he was going for. I got excited, but the people I was with hadn't noticed so it was just me. 

Am a little link happy tonight.

Kellie this is for you.

1 comment:

Fatty Pants said...

...i'm gonna go do a post of links that are for nobody but me.