Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You don't even know

So I just got back from the E.R.

drum roll please............


My mom called it. 

So, after two hours staring at a clock that is eternally 7:19, I finally found out that I have the early onset of pneumonia in my left lung (hence the unbearable pain in my chest when I breathe). So, yes, Preston, it is worse than just normal sick, and I am totally justified in calling out in order to see the doctor. 

Its really gross actually. I coughed up some blood a couple of minutes ago. Not cool. 

So now I am supposed to chug codine-laced robitussin for the next three days and sleep. Good times. 

The sad part is that I was in the middle of watching GG on my actual TV instead of on the small computer screen, but since I have chosen to convalesce at my parents'/grandparents' house I am once again confined to the computer screen. Lame. 

Oooh codine is kicking in. G'night. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good bye BH08

So the new moniker for this year has been decided upon courtesy of a late night conversation at Jack in the Crack with the wonderful KTP. 


Learn it, love it, live it. 

I am so miserable right now, you don't even know...'09.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Stop reminiscing. Forget the past. Get a girlfriend." -Tony Curtis' advice to another old man

So last night was the Tony Curtis event at work and he is the cutest old man ever! I think its because he so shamelessly a womanizer. When he got there, he just chilled in his wheelchair by the front door talking to Jen and any customers that approached him. When I walked up he grabbed my hand and asked my name. After repeating it several times for him (he is old, after all) he said "Nice to meet you, Bonnie" and kissed the back of my hand. Then when they tried to get him to go upstairs he said no, cause he wanted to shop awhile. So I offered my assistance and he took my arm and we wandered around a bit and he asked me questions. So cute! Eventually he did go upstairs and do the signing and all that jazz. And fortunately he signed my memorabilia, even though the official rules were that he wouldn't sign anything but the book. I waited in line with my parents and we took a picture together with him and we all look precious. When I thanked him for signing my stuff he winked and said 'You're welcome'. 

According to David, he also said that his favorite thing in the world was "Tits", which is such a dirty old man thing to say, but it made me laugh really hard. Also when his drink was pretty much finished and he only had about a centimeter of drink and an inch of whipped cream in the cup, he asked David to refill it with whipped cream and bring him a spoon. This is my kind of man. He's so cute!

It was thoroughly enjoyable. 

Other than that, work is work. The new guy is a little bit of a douche, but that seemed inevitable, what with the circumstances surrounding his getting the position in the first place. 
Well, nobody's perfect.  

Monday, January 19, 2009

"She leaned back, thinking that her breasts had done their job."

A funny thing happened. 

When I woke up to go to the Doo Dah Parade yesterday I got out of bed and realized that I was no longer wearing my pajama pants.

I distinctly remember putting them on before going to bed. I honestly don't know what happened. 

Other than that, it was an interesting day that started with taking pictures with Boba Fett and end with hanging out with Ken at McG's. Good times. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

CSI:Miami is ridiculous

So I am watching CSI: Miami and the main character, Horatio, is ridiculous. I don't know if the character is written this way, or if David Caruso is taking it a bit too far, but he is like stupid serious. Its like watching some old dick tracy type movie where the investigator is required to have five minute long stretches of silence between words. No one else on this show does this. 

I have since changed the channel, but What Not to Wear is similarly unsatisfying since its focused on 3 women from Saugus. The last thing I want to watch is anything about women from Santa Clarita. One word: fake. 

I get to see Hasone today! I AM VERY EXCITED. Totally didn't mean to write that in all caps. I accidently pressed the button, but I'm gonna roll with it since it emphasizes the excitement. 

School starts in a week and I am so not ready to go back. Did it seem like a really short break to anyone else?  

There are no words.

So, if you are unaware of our connection to the word Gooch, you need to read this.

Well, this morning whilst checking the various blogs that I read, I came upon a post discussing euphemisms for the word prostate. As I read all the readers' comments, I came upon this little jewel:

I’ve recently learned the term “gooch”, referring to “guy cooch”, which apparently means the taint. (Learned from my cousin who formerly had the nickname “Gooch”. Until he learned the term.)

Needless to say, I couldn't stop laughing. I even woke up my sister to tell her because this just needed to be shared. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just thought I'd share

I totally got the NASA dvd for free. Yay for store promos!

I win. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I just realized that the NASA dvd I want to borrow from my dad is narrated by Gary Sinise who was guessed it, Apollo 13!!!!

Anyway, I am awake now, but it was really fucking hard to fall asleep after that movie. I think I went to bed at 5am. 

Em and I are gonna hit the beach today and read romance novels. I might write some poetry. I know that sounds all cliche, but I have an advanced verse writing class this semester and I need all the practice I can get. 

Yay for lazy days!

They landed safely

I can go to bed now.

I don't know why

but I got ridiculously excited when I saw this. So many people are in it! Channing looks sexy as per usual. 

Apollo update: re-entry in 1 minute 30 seconds. Cross your fingers!

I've been thinking

about this Joe the Plumber guy. If he's to be defined solely by his occupation, I think he should do it old school style and change his last name to Plumber. 

Why am I still awake, you ask? 

Apollo 13 is still on, of course! Its almost time for the slingshot around the moon, so I must away!

Its too late to be this serious

So I turned on my TV to help me fall asleep, but Apollo 13 is on and I can't stop watching. 

Now, I am not only watching the movie, but trolling youtube for original footage and news clips. 

From there I ended up watching all these videos on the Challenger Explosion. 

Now I am all sad, but intensely interested in NASA missions.

I think I'll borrow that DVD I gave my dad for christmas.

This was a useless post, but its almost 3am, so I'm okay with that. 

Thank god I don't work til Saturday. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

Don't Worry

The Christmas music will be changed out soon enough. I'm just lazy. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mr. Sandman brought me the wrong dream. That bastard.

I also had this really scary dream where my new camera fell into mud and I jumped in to rescue it, even though I was dressed all fancy for some ceremony. 

It was horrifying. Liz was there and helped me take it apart to clean out all the mess. I didn't know you were so handy, Liz!  

Anyway, moral of the story. I am going shopping for a camera case today. 

Things that are scary (and/or incredibly greedy and self-centered) starting with the letter J

I love when people just confirm my prejudices. 

I just read this article and mostly it made me laugh because this guy's an idiot.

Although it does make me curious about the couple. I wonder what the wife was thinking?

Friday, January 2, 2009


So I still haven't been able to come up with a saying for 2009. Last year it was Brutally Honest 2008 (BH08), but this year kinda snuck up on me and I haven't really analyzed what I want out of it. I'm pretty sure once that's done, I'll come up with something. 

Wednesday was fun. We played a round of New Year's kickball and it was a really great turn out. It was nice to see Josh before he left. I'll miss his ridiculousness and his silly laugh. 

After that it was nice little kickback at my place, playing various games and drinking. The cream puffs were an awesome way to start a new year, too. It was just good times. I love my friends. 

I was thinking that in about a month, I will have been at this job for 2 years. Its weird. I still feel like I'm new sometimes. 

So, I'm thinking if the weather is good tomorrow I might go to Santa Monica before my Wifey's birthday gathering. I miss the ocean and the laziness and comfort of it all.